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Batman - The Widening Gyre
Other > Comics
122.75 MB

Batman Kevin Smith Widening Gyre
+0 / -1 (-1)

Oct 16, 2010

The six comics (so far) written by Kevin Smith.


TOTAL BS. Batman fighting Nazis? This crap starts out in a sinagogue (house of Satan worship for jews) and has Robin as a jew. Even comics are controlled by jews, not to mention the rest of the media. Thank God comics are so expensive, most kids can't afford them anymore to get indoctrinated by this jew propaganda.

I had no idea Kevin Smith was a jew. I won't be giving him any more money, which he probably sends to pisrael to murder more Palestinian children.
LMAO. Wow. Worst Batman series ever, but for all the right reasons. Thanks for the upload!

Everyone knows that Kevin Smith is a catholic, hence his movie "Dogma".

I agree that this comic isn't the best Batman. But I thought it was ok.

It takes all sorts I guess.
Warning Absolutely terrible.
Logtran If you don't don't want to support the work product of jews than you should stop reading comic books altogether. Bob Kane (batman creator), Siegel and Schuster (superman creators), Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (Marvel Comics), Bill Gaines (Mad Magazine) and Will Eisner; Hate to break it to you.. They are all Jewish.
lol @ wierd jew-hater guy. Jew-haters are funny in how they thinkeverything is some jew conspiracy. Batman comics of all things.
Yeah ... this whole Jew thing .... You guys can laugh at logtran, but he is a dangerous individual. Aside from that ... isn't this supposed to be an Elseworlds story?